Sunday, August 12, 2012

Love this gal!

  You know those moments where there is someone there for you when you need them the most...well this is my someone:)  This is my friend Angie that I first met when we moved here to Virginia.  She and I hit it off from the start and haven't stopped.  She has taken me around and shown me all the hot spots and what I need to do while I am here.  Every time we get together I have so much fun and wish there were more hours in the day.  We have the funniest conversations and there is never a dull moment:)  She is moving to New Zealand next month and I can't believe the time is finally here.  It's not going to be the same here without her but I am so happy for her and her family's new adventure.  She will always be a special part of my life and I know we will live by each other again someday.  Love you Angie:)

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