1. What is your husband's name? Adan Jason Covarrubias
2. How long have you been together as a couple? Since July 18th 2001
3. How long did you date? We dated until March 17 of 2002 and got engaged.
4. How old is he? Almost 32
5. Who eats more? That would be Jay!
6. Who said I love you first? He did. But I told him I was falling in love first.
7. Who is taller? Jay
8. Who sings better? Does humming count???
9. Who is smarter? Definitely my husband.
10. Who does the laundry? Both... I would like to thank the military for that one.
11. Who does the dishes? Both
12. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do
13. Who pays the bills? Jay...we would have no money if I did.
14. Who mows the lawn? Jay... I have never mowed the lawn.
15. Who loves to cook? Not me!!!! Jay is an awesome cook!!
16. Who drives when you are together? It depends
17. Who is more stubborn? That would be me
18. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Jay
19. Whose parents do you see more? Mine because they live two blocks away.
20. Who proposed? Jay
21. Who is more sensitive? Me....I cry at everything.
22. Who has more friends? We have a lot of friends together
23. Who has more siblings? I do...one brother and one sister
24. Where did you meet? At the Officers Club
25. Where was your first kiss? On Jay's coach
26. What was the first thing you said to him? I don't remember. I just remember how HOT he was in his flight suit.
27. Where was your first date? I think the beach?
28. Where did you get engaged? Pismo Beach
29. Where did you go on your honeymoon? Jamaica
30. If you could change one thing about it what would it have been? The mosquitoes!
31. Who wears the pants in the marriage? I do! hahahaha Just kidding honey!
Tagged: Breean your it!!!!!