Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Obsessed with Thomas!

Here is Talen's new chair that his Grandma Da got him.  My baby is growing up, he looks so big in this chair.

Talen loves Thomas the Train!  He eats, sleeps and bathes with these things.  The 1st Thomas came from his Grandma Da, she bought it for him to have at her house when we come and visit.  Well, Talen wasn't leaving Grandma's without it.  The 2nd Thomas came from my mom's house.  She tried to take it away from him and explain that is stays at her house for when he comes to play, the water works came flooding in.  Needless to say he got to bring that Thomas home too.  The 3rd Thomas came from a Target visit yesterday.  He saw it and pointed to it and started saying Choo Choo!  I got it down and put it in the shopping cart just to keep him happy in the store.  Why did I ever think I could sneak it away and put it back?  Now I have to stuff that thing in my purse.

Like I said he does everything with Thomas. lol!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a happy boy he is. Love you Talen, Da